Monday, May 1, 2023

one down

 The bathroom closet is clean

    I figured it would take an hour or so.  But 3 hours later, I am happy to say it is almost 100 percent completely cleaned and organized.

    I checked expiration dates on some creams we had.  The oldest was 2002. Several were 10 years old and they all went into the trash.

    When I had a cold a few months ago I went out and bought some nasal strips to help in breathing.  Well, I bought 1 box and found 3  packages in the closet.  All are opened with some strips taken out.  Go figure.

    I also went through some more cds.  I hgave no idea who Jesus Jones is, but I have a cd of his.  And from Panjabi MC, who is also unknown to me.  And never a big AC/DC fan, I am wondering how I ended up with 2 of theirs.  I also have an unnamed cd that just has a huge smiley face on it.

    Yes, I remember buying the Enya cd, but for some reason I have 2 of Chuck Berry's greatest hits.    I do like him, but 2?

    Progress is slow in my world.  But I did get the closet done and most of the cds dealt with.

    If I wasn't so tired, I would feel pretty good about that.

Peace and Love

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