Monday, May 8, 2023

now what!

 Something new has popped up

    Robins are attempting to nest on our front porch.

    Normally they wait for the hanging baskets to appear.  Then they build nests in those.  At least they did until I started putting those pointy wooden barbecue sticks in the plants.  They could not land to build a nest.

    But, they are a little impatient this year and have started a nest on top of the pole that holds Jackie's signs.

    When I went to remove the nest, the two robins screeched at me from the sidewalk.  I told them to find a tree, where birds belong.

    When I went to Emily's to let dogs out today, I discovered a robins' nest on top of the drainpipe as it curves in toward the house.  I did not remove that one because it was raining and I was getting wet.

    While scattering more grass seed today, I found 6 ground squirrel holes!  Holy crap!

    I may have to start trapping them and taking them over to the park to release.  

    I honestly thought they were gone after the hawk and heron hung around the yard for a few days last year.  After the birds were here I did not see any of the little furry critters.  

    But this year?

    Beth likes to sniff after them and yesterday got zapped a couple of tines because her nose was glued to the ground and she was not watching where she was going.  There are still blue flags in the back yard, but you have to see them to be reminded of the underground fence.

    At least we don't have a possum in the garage, feral cats under the deck, or a skunk that regularly visits the bird feeders.

    And my brother in law in Florida had an alligator in his yard yestereday.

    There are some things to be thankful for when living in Illinois.

Peace and Love

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