Friday, May 12, 2023

she did what!!!???

 Today was  a very doggy day

    Dog Beth had her 4th birthday today.  We did not give her any pie, even  though we have a lot left.  By the way, stop by Saturday afternoon for pie and coffee, if you like.

    I went to buy some plants. 

    My plan for the day was:  get a big ass pot, buy plants, plant peas, and plant the tomato plants.

    Well, I bought the pot.  And some plants.

    But I did not get to plant anything.

    I took Jackie and Beth along for the ride.  I carefully strapped Beth into her dog seatbelt, and she settled in the back seat with a worried look on her face.  I can't blame her.  This was her fourth time in the car:  once to get spayed, once to the groomer, and once to the vet.  I think she was worried we were taking her someplace that was not fun.

    When we got home, I put the leash on her and let her wander around the garage while I got Jackie out of the car.

    Beth has been zapped by the underground fence a couple of times, so she is aware of where it is.  

    I took off her zap collar when we went for the ride.  She did not have it while wandering the garage.

    She went out, I was lowering Jackie out of the car.  I got Jackie down and wondered why Beth was not back yet, so I went to check.

    She was out by the mailbox! I called her and she started to run just as a car came down the street.

    The car stopped and I gave chase.

    If the driver had a phone handy, they could have taken a video of an overweight, out of shape 75 year old lumbering down the driveway.

    Luckily Beth stopped to pee  in the neighbors' yard  and I grabbed her leash.

    Tonight I took her out in front.  She had her collar on, but I watch her at night.

    She does a lot lf sniffing because of the baby bunnies running around and whe was really sniffing up a storm tonight.

    Then she lied down in the grass and played with a squeaky toy. 

    It hit me:  she does not have a squeaky toy in the yard!

    I ran out (running twice in one day?  I'm freaking 75!) and grabbed her collar.  When she opened her mouth, a little ball of fur hopped out and across the grass.

    I took Beth in and went back outside with a flashlight but could not find any baby rabbit.  I hope it got away with only minor damage.

    For the past 20 minutes Beth has raced around the house, going from door to door and never sitting still.  When I take her out later it will be on a leash.

    Supper for me tonight was lobster!

    Our church for years had a May Lobster Boil, selling lobsters to the community and having a church party when the event was over.   Covid put an end to that.  We have not been able to restart the tradition.

    So tonight some of the parishoners orgazinzed a boil.  Just a group of about 20-25 people, some grilling meat instead of eating lobster.  Jackie did not go because the smell of lobster makes her ill.

    It was a nice night.  

    We had some pies left over from my birthday, so I brought them since people were supposed to bring a dish to pass.

    Imagine my surprise when I saw a table with 7 pies!  I added our 2 to the table.

    There are left overs.

    Seriously.  Left over pie is pretty good.  

    Just stop over tomorrow afternoon and see.


Peace and Love

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