Tuesday, May 9, 2023

duck, duck, goose

 We had a doctor's visit in t he burbs today

    Julia was gone too, so we wanted to make this trip as quick as possible because we felt sorry for little Beth in her kennel for 4 or 5 hours.

    We were going down 88 at about 70 miles an hour when the semi in front of us hit the brakes and veered left, then right.  Other cars started hitting the brakes.


    No.  A pair of geese and 4 or 5 goslings were crossing the tollway!  They little buggers were in the right lane when they reversed course and went back into the left lane, causing traffic to swerve, slow down, or come to a halt.

    One of the trucks pulled over to the side.  I don't know if he got out to shepherd them across the road or just to get out of all the slowing/stopped vehicles mess.

    I did not see any piles of feathers on the way home, so I guess they made it ok.

    Funny thing.  I have driven this route a lot.  For some reason today I missed 88 on the way home on 355.  Jackie asked if I missed the turn, I said no, then passed Maple Avenue and realized I had in fact missed the turn.

    How did that happen?

    Maybe I was sipping a coffee, or daydreaming, but it was disconcrting to say the least.

    I got off 355, then got back on and made it back to the tollway, but I am still puzzled how I missed it.

    We got back early enough for me to mow.  The grass was pretty long, so I mowed at 4 inches instead of my normal 3.5 or 3.25.  I hope to mow again tomorrow at a lower height and also trim.

    I also got a second coat of polyurethane on the bison and the windmill.  Maybe they will be in  set place tomorrow.  Or maybe not.

    It seems like I am way behind in getting things out for summer.  I know it's still early May, but it seems like I have just not done what I need to do.

    Maybe the warmer, sunnier weather will put me in a better frame of mind.

Peace and Love

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