Tuesday, May 16, 2023

a front

I love learning new things 

    Today, for instance, I learned about a pneumonia front.

    That is a weather system where the temperature drops 25-30 degrees in minutes.

    We were supposed to have one, but I don't think that happened.  It is still 66 degrees, and when I ate dinner it was 72, and that was 2 hours ago.

    We had leftovers tonight.  I heated them in the air fryer and that seemed to help the fries, but not much.  Maybe I did not heat them long enough.

    Anyway, I sat out on the back patio and ate.  It was a lovely evening.  Nice temperature, very little breeze, and fairly quiet for a change.  Not as much traffic as there normally is.  The sun was a bright orange in the sky.  I assume it was because of the smoke from the wildfires in Canada.  We may seem some haze from that tomorrow.

    I planted some plants on the slope today.  Jackie said it lacks color.  It lacks more than color as some of the plants seem to have disappeared.  I lost a section of yarrow and two sedums.  There are also 2 plants gone whose name I can't remember at this time.  I guess I need to figure out the name so I can get replacements.

    Tried again to get the hoses apart, no dice.  I guess I will use them the way they are.

    I do get tired easily.  I don't know if it is being 75 or just being inactive for the winter.

    I went out at 2 and worked until 3 then took a tea break.  Went out at 4 and worked until 5 and then fell asleep on my chair on the porch.  I went back out at 5:45 and finished  what I had started.  Sort of.  Some stuff I put aside until tomorrow.

    The temperature is down to 64.  Funny, in January 64 felt like a heat wave and tonight it feels a little cool.

    But it beats snow.

Peace and Love


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