Sunday, May 7, 2023

1 track minds

 We may have a slight dog problem

    I have a little garden area off the front porch.  Some lavender, ornamental grasses, salvia, dianthus and heuchera, which are coral bells, make up most of the garden.

    But Beth has developed a fixation on the garden because of a new addition.

    Baby rabbits.

    Somewhere in the garden, we think under the salvia, there is a rabbit nest and some baby rabbits.

    Beth has discovered them and is determined to, shall we say, make their acquaintance.

    So, when we take her out Julia and I stand guard.  We block Beth from getting into the area.  But she is determined.

    Night time is not a problem because I will put her on a leash and walk her into the grass.  But we are not letting her out the front door by herself until the babies are gone.

    We saw one of them hopping around on the sidewalk today.  It was so tiny and cute! We don't know how many there are because we don't want to disturb the nest.  So for the next few weeks we will monitor their progress from afar.

    The backyard has at least 4 ground squirrels running around.  Beth has not been able to catch them either, but I know a hawk likes to sit on our roof and watch.  I can trap the ground squirrels and relocate them, but I don't want to do that with the rabbit babies.

    Jackie and I made it to morning church for the first time in....well, a while.  Usually we do Zoom or YouTube, but this was our minister's last Sunday with us.

    Getting up at 7:30 drained me for trhe rest of the day.  I ended up watching the Cubs lose a very winnable game.

    The Cardinals are coming to town, which should be an interesting series.

Peace and Love

I know there's rabbits in there!  Let me at 'em!!

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