Friday, May 5, 2023

friends from old

 We had a great time with long time friends today

    Although we are all well into our 70s, I don't think of us as old.

    Yes, we have aches and pains and medical issues, but sitting around talking and visiting takes me back to a time when life may have been a little simpler.

    Not necessarily better, but simpler.

    Joe and Marilyn used to live in the city, then Schaumburg and about 10 years ago moved to Webb City in Missouri.  Frank and Barb live in the "old neighborhood."  In fact, they live in the building Frank and his brother John grew up in.  We all went to Lake View High School.

    I spent many hours in their kitchen, in the basenent, and in the alley, where a never ending 16 inch softball game always seemed to be taking place.

    When senior prom came, Joe, John, a guy named Bob and I quadruple dated.  At least that is a memory stored deep down inside, and I think it is a true memory.

    I know it was a horrible experience.

    I went with a girl I did not really like, and to be honest, she was not that hot on me either.  

    When we pulled up to the hotel, it was like people getting out a clown car.....8 of us crammed into a station wagon.  I did opt for the prom picture package and honestly, I had such a bad experience I never gave her her copies of the pictures.

    Anyway, we haed a nice time today talking about the past and the present.  It was great they came out to see us, because it is much more convenient for us.  Meeting at a restaurant is always an option, but that's not ideal for Jackie.  Handicapped accessibility is an issue, and not all places are handicapped friendly even if accessible.

    I cooked burgers and brats.  We had a taco salad and potato salad from Headon's and I made 3 bean salad, under Jackie's directions. Julia organized all the food, cut the buns and tomatoes, and got all the stuff ready while I grilled. 

    We had pie and cookies for dessert  and I made coffee.  My coffee is not very good, because I don't make it often.

    But I have a feeling sleep will not come easy tonight.  I may have had a sip too much caffeine.

Peacef and Love

Like a certain type of battery, still going strong

Even Beth had a good time

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