Sunday, May 14, 2023

apring is sprung

 What a lousy day this was!

    It was cold, rainy, windy, dark, dreary, damp and the Cubs lost 190-3 or some ridiculous score.

    I hate it when position players are called on to pitch in games that are out of reach.

    I think after the 7th inning, a team down by 10 or more runs should have the option of raising the white flag in surrender.  Another option would be to let the team that is down have their at bats in the eighth and ninth inning while the team leading does not bat.  If the game somehow gets tied, the team that blew the lead would be able to bat in the innings they didn't.  Make sense?

    Anything is better than watching a utility player give up 6 or 7 runs.

    I did not do anything outside because it was wet and cold.  I could have planted the planters in the garage and then moved them out, but it was cold in the garage.

    There were bright spots today.

    My sister in law stopped by on her way home from a graduation at the U of I.  We had a nice visit of about 90 minutes or so before she continued on her way.  I offered pie, but she declined.

    And Emiy came over after work and she and Julia gave Jackie a really cool card, two hanging baskets for the front porch, and a blanket in a bag that doubles as a pillow.

    Pretty neat stuff.

    Then I made some steaks and we actually ate at a table!  We rarely do that.  It was nice.

    I hope you all had a great day, despite any lousy weather you may have had.

Peace and Love


I love these....alium, which may not be the correct spelling.

My rhubarb is that a good thing?

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