Saturday, May 27, 2023

that time

 I always get a little sentimental this time of year

    Despite how much I  complained, I did like teaching.  I especially liked working with fifth graders, which I always looked at as young adults.

    That may have been a problem, in hindsight.  They were only 10 or 11 and I may have expected too much from them at times.

    But the end of the year was always a sad time.  I knew I would miss the kiddos, even the ones that gave me ulcers and sleepless nights. 

    It was worse when our sixth grade moved to the middle school.  When sixth grade was at Tilton I could see and interact with my former class.   Before the sixth grade moved, seventh graders would frequently stop by my window and talke to me on their way home.  But once the sixth grade left, that stopped.  

    I saw a former student the other day.  We talked for about 10 minutes.  He told me he doesn't talk to very many former teachers because, well, he just didn't like them.  But he talked to me quite a bit.  And he caused me sleepless nights.

    Then today I met another former student who is living in Amsterdam.  We talked about her new baby, her sister's wedding, Amsterdam, and a little about Tilton School.  She said it was ironic that in sixth grade she had Mrs. Hahn and had to do a country report.  The only country left was The Netherlands.  She did a report on it and.... now she lives there.

    Mom might be blaming Mrs. Hahn for that, I am not sure.

    We are going to Camryn's graduation tomorrow.  It's funny.  She entered our lives when she was about  9 or 10.       Now, she is graduating and moving on into the world of adulthood.

    I told her today that the day after my graduation, I went over and stood in front of Lake View High School because I just wasn't sure what to do.  I had always been in school, and I felt a little lost.

    Here's hoping this year's graduates enjoy their jump into what we adults call life.  And they will get over that lost feeling.

Peace and Love


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