Monday, May 29, 2023

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Another first for me today

    I grilled a couple of t-bone steaks on the grill for supper.

    I like to grill on high for a couple of minutes, flip them for a couple of  minutes, then turn the gas down and let them cook at a lower temperature.

    I did that.  Turned the gas down.  Went into the house for something.  Noticed smoke from the grill.  A lot of smoke.

    I went back out and the grill temperature was about 700 degrees!  When I opened the lid, flames shot up into the air!  The steaks were on fire!

    I moved them off the flames, but the flames kept burning.....higher and higher.

    I took the steaks off the grill, shut it off, turned off the gas and moved it away from the house.  Smoke was billowing out of the grill.....sometimes gray, sometimes black.  There were plenty of flames.

    I thought then that maybe it was time to clean the bottom of the grill.  Something I usually do at the start of the grilling season but did not do this year.

    I knew not to throw water on it, because grease fires and water don't mix.

    I debated calling the fire department, but figured  by the time they arrived it would be too late.

    Eventually the fire burned itself out.

    Oddly, the steaks were super good!  They were pink on the inside and very tasty.

    I did take a nap in the afternoon, but after that I got busy and finished planting the garden, weeding the veggie garden, hooking up some hoses, and planting a few little plants.

    I also managed to watch a little of the Cubs.  Funny, eh?  They get blown out by a team that is sub 500 but then shut out the best team in baseball.  The next couple of games should be interesting.

Peace and Love

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