Saturday, May 13, 2023

uh oh....

 Sometimes I can fail at the easiest task

    "Buy some graduation cards," she said.

    We don't have a Hallmark store in town anymore, but the Walgreen's has a nice selection of Hallmark cards.

    So, I go to Walgreen's to buy graduation cards.

    I always look on the back or a card to see where it is printed.  I try not to buy any card that was not printed in the USA.  C'mon!  We can at least print greeting cards here, right?

    I also don't like buying all of the same design.

    So I picked out 3 or 4 cards and I saw a really neat one.  It was the last one in the space.

    It had a beautiful star on the front and it said, "It's your time to shine."  I glanced at the inside message and thought it was very nicely worded.

    So I bought it.

    The next day Jackie asks to see the cards so she can send one to a relative.  After a ffew minutes, she starts laughing like crazy.

    I did not think any of the cards I bought were funny.

    I asked her what was so gosh darn funny and she said, "Read this card."

    'It's your time to shine,"  opening inside, "Mazel tov on your Bat Mitzvah.  This is your once in a lifetime, celebrate big time, be happy, feel proud, milestone day."

    Guess which line I did not read?

    So I learned  a few  things today.  First, read the entire card.  Second, pay attention to clues, like the star of David on the front of the card.  Third, a Bat Mitzvah is similar to a Bar Mitzvah, but it is for females.

    If you know anyone who is having a Bat Mitzvah, I can at least supply a card.

     I wonder if the store will take it back?

    Oh least it was made in the USA.

Peace and Love

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