Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Exam time

 We are going to see how much Dog Beth has learned

    I have taken down almost all of the blue flags marking the Invisible Fence power lines.

    She has been good respecting the flags.  Now we'll see how she handles no flags.  We will keep an eye on her when she is outside.

    I was mowing today and the little girl was out across the street, riding her little bike.  Julia came out and pointed at my ear protectors.  I took them off, turned off the mower and Julia said the little girl was saying hi to me.

    So I said, "Hi Maddy."

    Now she is about 4 years old.  She waves to me every time she sees me.  She also talks to me, but sometimes I have a hard time understanding her.

    "My name is not Maddy  It's Madeline."  She said that very clearly.

    Actually, I was impressed.  Here is a little one speaking upa to an adult when the adult is clearly wrong.  

    I seem to be a creature with predictable habits.

    Jackie had her hair done today, so I went over th Acres Bistro for a coffee.  When I went  in, the person looked at me and said, " Hi Terry.  Coffee?  Crean and sugar?  We do have cookies today."

    So I had coffee and cookies.

    After supper I took my windmill and bison out into the driveway and gave them a first coat of sealer.  I will give them a second coat tomorrow morning and hopefully get them out to the garden this weekend.

    Which means crossing 2 more items off my list.

    Progress is slow, but I am making progress.

    We also signed a contract with a home care agency to look after Jackie while Julia and I are gone in July.  Mentally, that takes a load off.

Peace and Love

We don't understand how she does not fall off!

Look, daddy!  I brought out my toys and a facecloth!  Play with me!!

Killer bees!!!!!!

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