Saturday, May 6, 2023

ends or beginnings?

 We went to a retirement party tonight

    Our friend Laurie is retiring after 38 years of high school life.  She is a counselor at our local high school and has been for as long as we have known her.

    It was her party, but we saw so many people we have not seen in ages!  I even saw people I very seldom see in person but I see a lot of Facebook posts involving them.

   And it was really great to see former students of mine all grown up and working, as well as kids of friends, and just kids we knew who have grown up and become amazing people.

    As usual, I got stumped a time or two.

    I watched one man get up from a table on the other side of the room, cross through the crowd, come up to me to say hello and shake hands, then go back to his table on the other side of the room.

    I had no clue who he was.  I pointed him out to Jackie later and she told me his name but I am still baffled why he crossed the room to say hello. 

    A few co-workers gave short speeches and some of them were pretty darn funny.  

    It was a good party.

    We were late getting there. 

    Julia had left the house about 15 minutes before us.  At that point I was getting Jackie ready.  We moved from the bathroom to the bedroom where she was going to change from walker to wheelchair.

    We do this by her standing up, leaning on the bed, then me moving the wheelchair under her  so she sits.  We do  that every morning.

    But for some reason, she decided to sit down a little early.  I grabbed her, but it was too late to reach the walker or the chair, so I guided her gently to the ground.  

    I called friend Kevin who came over and the two of us got her up and his daughter Sam pushed the wheelchair under Jackie's butt so she could safely sit.

    No harm.  No hurt.  Nothing damaged.  Just a pain to miss the chair.

    A Cubs win, a great party, old friends, new friends...... it was a pretty darn nice day!

Peace and Love


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