Tuesday, May 30, 2023


I did not burn anything on the grill tonight 

    I did not clean the grill, but I did cook 2 burgers and it all went fine.  But I do need to scrape out the bottom.

    My neighbors have mowed twice since I mowed.  My lawn is a little long, but with the lack of rainfall, I don't want to stress it by mowing.

    I did water a couple of trees today.  I have 2 that are showing some signs of stress, so I let the hose trickle on them for a while.  That's garden hose, for all you perverts out there.

    True:  There was a stock car driver in Rockford named Dick Trickle.  I think I would have changed my name.

Jackie has a hard time sitting on the bench in the shower.  She does not know this, but I made her a special thing for sitting on the bench.  I hope it works.  If it does, I will show it to you.  If it doesn't, you will never hear about it again.

    I had a strange experience today.

    Usually I read without my glasses on.  Truth be told, usually when I read on the porch I fall asleep and I don't want to break my glasses.

But today I read with my glasses on.

    After about 40 minutes, I had blurred vision and dizziness!  I could not see things clearly with my glasses on.  It did scare me a bit.

    So I took off the glasses and closed my eyes for 15 minutes.  I stress, this was not a nap, but an attempt to get some relief.

    When I started into the house the headache hit. 

    So I don't know if it was reading with the glasses on or what, but the dizziness and blurring followed by a headache all seem to me to  be the start of a migraine type headache

    Happily it did not develop into that.

    I managed to cut up the wet carpeting so the trash collectors could pick it up in the morning and do a couple of other little things outside.

    But it was pretty much a laid back day.

    And I was fine with that.

Peace and Love

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