Wednesday, May 31, 2023

oh my, AI?

 Sometimes I just want to scream

    Scream.  Not ice cream.  Scream.

    Like when you turn the computer on in the morning and you get a little spinning wheel that does not stop spinning.  So you turn if off, and on again, and get the wheel that keeps spinning.  So you turn if off again, on again and go have breakfast tiuntil the wheel stops spinning.  Which it eventually does.

    Or when you find out the trash guys won't take your carpeting because you don't have a work order.  It is  3 sections, 4 ft by 4 ft about, but they leave it on the yard cart.  I call the company for a work order and they tell me $25.  I tell them fine...what choice to I have?

    I could cut the carpet into smaller sections and over the next 6 months slip pieces into the trash, but knowing me that will never happen and it will just stay in a heap in the garage.

   Our Comcast bill has gone up $60 since December.  The "person" I talk to tells me  the special rate I was on has expired.  As a show of appreciation for me being a valued customer, they give me a $30 credit.  The person I talk to is Dikho, which sounds a little like my last name. 

    I asked them if they were real or AI and the reply was  they were part of the Comcast customer support team.  

    Which is not really an answer.

    Julia came and got me early today because of "a thing" on the floor in the basement. 

    I went down and picked up a tiny vole!

    It could not have been bigger than a quarter.  How it got there is anybody's guess.... I would like to know so I can prevent others from coming into the house. 

    I am just glad Julia found it and not dog Beth!

    I did a load of towels....twice.  I forgot to put soap in and had to redo the load.

    We also made a trip to Rockford so Jackie could be fitted with an ankle brace to help straighten her left foot.  I just hope it works. 

    And another frustrating thing was the Cubs not scoring with men in scoring position!  Men on second and third in the eighth, no run.  Bases loaded in the ninth, no runs.  They end up losing 4-3 to the best team in baseball, but they could have won if 1 of  guys hit a single.

    So much for my frustrations!

Peace and Love

    I named this vole Larry.

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