Friday, May 19, 2023

to do, or not to do

 I had 5 things on my to do list today

    Plant garden.  Well, mostly done.  I did not plant beans because they are ready in 50 days.  That is right about the time I get back.  I figure wait a week so the beans won't be ready when I am gone.  I think it is good planning.  But the carrots, cucumbers, peas, tomato plants, and green peppers are in the ground.  Now, I hope the seeds and plants cooperate.

    Hook up hoses.  I have a timer to water the garden.  I can run two watering devices off of the timer.  It is a matter of running hoses from the watering devices to the timer, which is on the spigot on the side of the house.  One hose was no problem.  But the second hose is.  It is too long.  It's a 100 foot hose and I only need 50 feet.  But it works for now.  The second hose is the right length but nothing is coming out of the watering device!  It must be plugged, so I will look at that tomorrow.  There is always a tomorrow.

    Set up my windmill.  Did not get that done.

    Plant the herbs.   Did not get that done

    Reseed bare areas.  Did not get that done.

    So....what did I do?

    Julia and I gave Beth a bath.  Beth had a bit of an odor, and it has been a month since she was groomed, so I took her in the shower and hosed her down.  She did not like that very much.  Once she got wet she was fine.  But getting her settled was a 2 person job.

    I mowed.  That takes a lot of time and it seemed to me to be more pressing than the jobs I skipped.

    I also did a load of laundry.  

    I did not take a nap, which was sorely needed because I have not been sleeping well, again.  I was in my chair in the den from 1-4 a.m. and seemed to sleep better there than in bed.

    Part of me thinks it is because I can have a window open and fresh air helps.  But a part of me also thinks I am obsessing too much about sleep.  Or the lack of it.

    Tomorrow I will get  the herbs planted and the windmill in place.  Hopefully.  But live has a way of sidetracking my plans.

    For example, I hope to go to a plant sale.  That means planting more plants.  I guess I better put that on my list.

Peace and Love

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