Tuesday, May 23, 2023

an olio

 Pardon my while I run wild tonight

    I had to do a crazy dance last night.  I had Beth out and one of those pesky brown beetles that are around flew into my neck  Then I thought it went down my shirt and I started dancing around and pulling my shirt out of my pants.  No beetle.  I was afraid I would have to take off my pants in the front yard.  At least it was dark.

    My knees hurt when I weed in my native garden.  I should not have to weed, but the grasses have invaded the edges of the garden.  If I had burned it off in the spring, that might not be an issue.  Next year.

    My handwriting is getting terrible.  I can't even read some of the stuff I write.  True story:  After report cards one year, a student came up to me and said their parents thought I had a funny first name.  I said why.  The child answered they had never heard of anyone called Tenny.  I still can't make the letter r in cursive.

    Second day in a row for a short bike ride.  I don't know what hurts more, my legs or my butt.

    Speaking of the native garden, I dug out a plant tonight that was huge.  It had red stalks and reminded me of  rhubarb.  I could not figure out the phone/ID plant thing, so I am not sure what it was. 

    We need to adopt a teen ager.  When Julia leaves, there will be no one to show me how to work my phone or get the sound back on the TV when we lose it because someone hit the wrong button.  (And yes, that someone is me.  I just keep hitting buttons, hoping one of them is the right one.)

    I just took a drink from a covered glass and spit out some kind of bug.  The glass was clean.  It has a lid.  What the hell?

    Our lilac bush still smells awesome.  But, and here is the big butt, the bush is way overgrown and needs to be trimmed back a lot.  That means next year we will probably hot have as many blooms.  I need to find someone to do it who knows what they are doing because I don't.

    Ants bite.

    Friend Sheri was over looking at my native garden tonight.  We were looking at the newest section, planted last year.  I pointed to some plants and said I had no idea what they are, but there are a lot of them.  She pointed out they were thistles.  Oops.

    I used to know names of plants.  I don't anymore.  

    I need to read more.  I have not done that in about 2 weeks.  Hopefully, tonight.

    Cooking suppers is getting boring.  

Peace and Love

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