Sunday, May 28, 2023


 We went to Camryn's graduation today

    The Sycamore people did a nice job on this.  There was a special handicapped parking permit given out for parking close to the graduation site.  Camryn got us a pass, and it made life a lot easier.

        Two students gave short speeches, and they were very good.  Positive, uplifting and reminding classmates that they are never alone.  Friends, family, former teachers and others are there for support.

    The speeches also touched on the fear of moving on into the adult world.  That can be terrifying.  Life still scares the hell out of me and I'm way past graduation age.

    As I was sitting there I thought back to my high school graduation.  I really don't remember much.  I don't remember going across the stage to get a diploma, or the ceremony, or much of anything about the event.  I do remember meeting classmates I had never known during rehearsal the day before.  One of them even showed me the hickies on her neck.  Darryl?  I remember her last name, but I don't want to embarass her.

    Up until that day, I never knew she was at Lake View.  Judging from the hickies, she was popular.

    I don't think we had graduation parties either.  My folks did have a cake, and I think Frank and John came over for some, or maybe I went to their house for cake, but it was not a party like graduates have today.

    I will be honest.  I wasted an opportunity to learn when I went to high school, and maybe even college.  I never worked hard, never really studied much, and usually did just enough to get by.  I realized that too late in life.  Sadly, I have no changed much.

    Anyway, it was a pretty good day.  We went to Ollie's for frozen treats to celebrate.  When I got home I was just too tired to do a  anything except sit. 

    But tomorrow the beans get planted!

Peace and Love

The graduate
The diantus is blooming

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