Sunday, May 21, 2023


I had a fun day  

    Emily took me to see School of Rock at the Paramount Theater in Aurora.

    We hit the matinee, which looked pretty full.   Our seats were off to the left but in about the 10th row.

    I have seen a few shows at the Paramount and can't say enough about the theater.  It is a beautiful theater,  Seats are comfortable and the sound is good.

    And this show was amazing.

    I had never seen the movie with Jack Black, but now I will have to hunt for it.

    The kids that played, sang, and danced in this were amazing.  I had 10 year olds in a play a long time ago and thought they were pretty damn good, but these youngsters were, well,  amazing.  Four of them were accomplished musicians and during the preshow announcements, the speaker said, "And yes, the kids are really playing."

    It was not the first time on stage for most of them.  I can't imagine what the future holds for some of them.

    I do admit, at times the pit band was a little loud and drowned out some of the younger voices.  But I do have a hearing loss, and the hearing aids amplify all the sound, not just the parts you want.

    And the person behind me constantly rustling a plastic bag and occaisionally talking to her friend may have bothered some people, but I directed my hearing aids toward the stage, which helped me.

    If you love theater, you still have a couple of weeks to capture this show.

    The lighting, sound, staging, acting and ambiance are worth the drive to Aurora.

    Our show was done maybe around 3....and they had another show tonight.  That's a lot of energy to expend when you are 10 or 11.  Of course, they have the energy at that age.

Peace and Love

Love the Egyptian influence

Part of the pit

Center of the ceiling

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