Wednesday, May 10, 2023

feeling good

 I got a lot done today

    I trimmed around the house and I mowed.  I mowed yesterday, but I mowed again today because I mowed at 4 inches yesterday  Today I went to 3.25, but changed it to 3.5 half way through because the grass was clumping.

    I am never happy with how the lawn looks after it is mowed.  It just doesn't look right.  I am not a perfectionist, by any means, I just don't like the way it looks.

    Last night I finished reading "The Natural" by Bernard Malamud.  I think I spelled that name wrong, but I am tired so it is close enough.

    I have never seen the movie, which I heard someone say was the best baseball movie ever made.  

    I liked the book, but hated the ending.  I don't know if he goes back t Iris, what he does for a living,  or even if he lives.

    I like things final.  He gets the girl, he doesn't get the girl.  Tell me.

    Now I have to spend the rest of my life wondering and projecting different endings for the Roy Hobbs story.  

    I know, there is the theory that good literature makes you thing about things and this book does.  There is good, and evil.  Sometimes the evil is good, sometimes the good is evil. 

    I am glad I read it.  Maybe I will watch the movie and compare the two, but I have a feeling I will like the book better.

    It's a little after 9 and I just went to put a load of Jackie's shirts into the drier.  Problem  is, I never started the washer!  I loaded it about 7, went out to finish the yard, and just never hit the start button.

    So, I will be up for a while.

    And I will be thinking about what Roy Hobbs does with Iris.

Peace and Love

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