Sunday, April 30, 2023

Great Expectations

 No, this has nothing to do with Charles Dickens

    But it could have been the title of this weekend.

    I have a list:   put cds away, advertise cabinet, move out porch furniture, organize bathroom name a few tasks.

    Great Expectations!

    Except nothing got done.  

    The rain put the kibosch  (or is it kabosch?) on the porch furniture, lack of a plan affected the cds, and I took a nap, which knocked out the organizing.  I just did not advertise the cabinet.

    When we bought our new entertainment center, we had to figure out what to do with the old one.

    It is beautiful,  an armoir made in Amish country by Amish.  It looks brand new.  But it does not hold a big tv, and most of the people today want a big tv.  It would be ideal in a den or guest room, but it is not ideal in our bedroom.

    Unfortunately the new cabinet does not have the same storage capacity as the old. So I have lots of cds that won't fit.  I have culled them, but that is no help.  There are still a lot.

    Sometimes I wonder why I have a particular cd.  I know the Cowboys at the Smokehouse Cafe was from a trip out west and beer was involved.  When I volunteered at WNIJ they always had a box of free cds for volunteeers to take, so I have several blues and classical cds that I don't think I have ever listened to.

    I habe about 15 "relaxation" music cds I used to play in school.  But it has been 14 years and I have not listened to those since then.

    The bathroom closet?  A royal mess.  I just stick stuff on the shelves, willy nilly, and now it is obvious something has to be done.  I bet I have 10 insect repellants and sun screen lotions......none of which are probably still usable.  

    I thought a rainy day would spur me to action, but all it did was make me sleepy.

    So I put some Steve Goodman on my cd player and took a nap.

    I do have Great Expectations for tomorrow, however.

Peace and Love

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