Tuesday, May 2, 2023

sleepy time blues

 We have to find a new old tv show

    Jackie likes to have the tv on when she goes to bed.  Me, not so much.

    While she drifts off to sleep to the tv, I play spider solitaire and read.  Not at the same time.  I play, then read for 15-20 minutes to ready my mind for bed.

    We tune in to Peacock at 10:30 or so.  She has gone through the complete series of Fraiser, maybe twice.  Now, I do like that show, but it does get a little tiring.

    After finishing Frasier, she went to Cheers.  I like Cheers and sometimes I watch a show or part of a show at bedtime.

    But last night we went to Peacock and...... no Cheers!   Plus, no Frasier!

    Evidently on May 1 they went to new programming.

    Now we don't have anything to watch.  It has to be a comedy, 30 minutes, and one she likes.  No Office, or Parks and Rec.  It could be difficult at night around here.

    Incidently, Sunday night on Cheers it was Woody's wedding.  Woody is a clueless farm boy from Indiana and he is marrying Kelly, a socialite whose parents don't like Woody.

    Sam, Carla, and Rebecca are in the kitchen helping with food when Woody comes in and says,

    "Say, has anyone seen a plunger?"

    "What's a matter Woody, somebody plug a toilet?" Sam asked.

    "Naw," Woody replies.  "Uncle Joe wants to dance and he left his leg on the bus."

        For some reason I found that hysterical.  

        I did a Google search and although Cheers is listed as available on Prime, Prime lists it as available on Paramount Plus, which we don't have.

    In a world of mass shootings, wars, pandemics, a divisive political climate, I know our problem isn't anything.

    But I think we will lose sleep over it.

Peace and Love

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