Thursday, June 1, 2023

wet butt

 Today's rain did not come as a surprise

    It had been predicted.  It was cloudy.  It was warm.  Prime weather for a rainstorm.

    So explain to me why I left the driver's side window open about 3 inches when I went in to have my back adjusted?

    I got back to the car in a rain and sat on a wet seat.  But at least my butt dried off the seat.

    I had some errands to run before picking up supper at Cypress House.  Yes, supper there.  Hick's BBQ was there and we ordered ribs and a brisket sandwich.

    Julia and I talked about this.  I ordered the ribs.  Last time we ordered, I ordered 2 full slabs.  But Julia thought whe was supposed to order, so she ordered 2 full slabs.  We had ribs for 3 meals!

    Today, just one slab.

    They were not quite ready when I got there, so I ordered a coffee and sat down to wait.

       It rained again, not real heavy.  I had left t he window open about 3 inches, so I got my second wet butt of the day when I got back into the car.  Some people might say I am a slow learner.  I consider myself an optimist....didn't think it would rain that soon.

    A tv station from Rockford was doing a segment on Hicks BBQ.  They had a camera crew and an on air personality  interviewing Jeremy and sampling some of his ribs.  (His cooked ribs...this is not a creation story.) I think it was Fox out of Rockford.  I heard someone say it was going to by on at five and again at 9.  Now, I don't know if that was a.m. or p.m.  Hopefully I can see it.  It's channel 17 and 39 out of Rockford, according to their car.

    A friend has her  teenage daughter babysitting this summer while mom is at work. The rule is, let no one in the house. Don't open the door to anyone.

    So when she called home to check, her younger son said someone from Door Dash came to the house.  Mom asked how he knew the person was from Door Dash, he said she told him after he opened the door.

    Mom was a bit irate.  Daughter is in a bit of  trouble. 

    But, the bigger concern is the fact they live out in the country, in a small subdivision, and Door Dash does not go there.

    So.....what was the person doing?  Truly lost?  Casing the place? Drumming up business?  At the wrong address?

    I think Mom will have a few gray hairs before the summer is over.

Peace and Love

We had company today!  Emily brought over Liam, an older Irish Wolfhound she is fostering , but I bet the dog never leaves.  Beth got along well with him.

Jackie had her hands full

"These are so freakin do you do it?"  (Not the actual conversation.)

I was hoping to mow when I got home....but that will have to wait.  It rained, again.  But my butt did not get wet this time!

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