Monday, August 31, 2020

day ..... cookies....170

 I had a mini family reunion today

    My brother Carl and his wife Ruth came down from Rockford for a visit.

    Now, that may not seem like a big deal, but they spend November to around May in Florida.  And with Covid, I have not gone to see them since they came  back.  So it has been about a year since we visited.

    Now, there were four of us.  Four.  I popped to the store in the morning to pick up some prescriptions and bought some goodies for us to enjoy during the visit. 

    I bought some white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies.  Then I realized Jackie is fond of peanut butter cookies.  So I  bought some of them.  Then I thought chocolate chip cookies might be good.

    And I have a frozen pound cake that I could thaw and so I bought some frozen strawberries and whipped cream to top that off.

    Did I mention there were 4 of us?

    I made coffee, we visited, had some cookies, and then I brought out some of my mother's photo albums.  

    I am hoping to get rid of them.  But I have this thing about tossing out stuff other people may be interested in, like family pictures.  That explains the piles of pictures and envelopes taking over the dining room table.

    We spent over an hour going through the pictures, laughing, talking, sharing memories of relatives long gone.  

    They took some pictures, but I have a lot left.

    If you read this little missive regularly, you may remember my posting the commission papers for Captain Timothy Kennedy.  Well, I found this at the bottom of the tub.

    These are Captains Kennedy and Sisk at Camp Lincoln, Springfield IL.

    July 8.......1896.

    My math skills are not the strongest, but that seems to be 124 years ago.

    Guess I better buy another frame.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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