Saturday, August 1, 2020


Had a nice visit with family today

     My niece and her daughter (grand niece?   second cousin?  I can never figure that stuff out.  And now at my age, why bother?)  popped in for a visit today.  We had not seen them for about a year, and it was a nice surprise.
     No hugs.  No embraces.  We practiced social distancing as if our lives depended on it.
     Emily, John and Camryn came over too, so it was a little difficult spacing everyone out.
     A puppy came along and it did not go well with Corki.  There was a lot of barking and growling and a little aggressive behavior, but no bites or blood.     Corki does not do well with other dogs.  Usually Emily brings a dog over and Corki barks for a few minutes, then just ignores them.  Same with when we walk.  She will meet up with a dog from down the street and bark and yip, then settles down.
     Corki needs to practice social distancing.
     And bark control.
     A couple of years ago I would go over to the park and meet friend Todd.  He had two dogs, one Corki's size and one bigger.  The one Corki's size drew a lot of barks and noises on our first walk.  On the second walk, not much noise.  On our third or fourth walk, Todd did not come and Corki actually stood in the path and kept looking toward the parking lot.  I think she was waiting for her new friend.
     After everyone left today, we turned on the Cubs.  I got to thinking how long they will play this year.  With three teams now experiencing Covid out breaks, it does not seem out of the question that at some point the season gets cancelled.
     I'm giving them 26 games.......mark that in your prediction book.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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