Saturday, August 8, 2020


 Making lists does not seem to help me

    I went to the store today to buy one specific product.  Cheese.  Just some cheese.  I am out.  Wanted some cheese.

    I spent $35 and got half way home before I realized....I didn't buy any damned cheese!

    Luckily, Emily was working so I called her and asked her to buy some and drop them off on the way home.  She did, so all is well that ends well.

    I just don't understand how my mind doesn't function correctly.  Jackie can ask me for something and 20 minutes later she will ask again, because I forgot to get it.


    I planted beans and peas again today.  I am not sure if the peas will produce anything, but I think I have time for a second bean crop.  I should have planted them last week......but I forgot.

    Today we made refrigerator pickles and I blanched 18 ears if corn, took it off the cob, and froze it.  Hopefully we will have enough vegetables to last us through the winter and next spring.  Carrots will be the next challenge, although I am in no hurry to do them.  Usually it is October when I finally get around to digging them out of the frozen tundra.

    But we need rain.  The lawn in yellow.  The garden was watered, but the flowers and trees are starting to show stress.  A gentle rain of 45 minutes or more would be wonderful.

    That's all folks!

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket!

Peace and Love

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