Thursday, August 6, 2020


I lost a pair of shorts

     I only have 4 pair that I regularly wear, and one of them disappeared.
And no, not underwear shorts...outerwear shorts.  Just to be clear.
     I looked in the dirty wash, behind the washer and dryer, in all my drawers, 
     I would say I looked in my wife's drawers but someone would take it the wrong way.
     How can I lose a pair of shorts?
     It seems I confused them with another pair, my work in the yard outside shorts because those have a couple of rips.  I put the good shorts in my yard work pile.  I looked there twice, but did not see them.  It wasn't until the third time that I looked everywhere that I found them.
     All's well that ends well.
I did take advantage of the beautiful weather to ride in town with a friend.  We rode and talked, and it made the ride so much more fun.  It did not even seem that we were riding for 45 minutes.  So, if you read this, thanks Gwen for the company and the ride.
     Now the heat is set to return....and hopefully some rain.  It is pretty dry out there.
     In hindsight, I should have started this with I found a pair of shorts....that makes more sense.
     Oh well.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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