Thursday, August 27, 2020


 Took a ride through the countryside today

     I was in my car, not on a bike.  Tooo ooo ooo hot.

    Was down in the area near Waterman and Sandwich and was amazed at all the wind turbines I saw functioning.  I had forgotten there were so many.

    As I was driving I passed a car off to the side of the road.  The hood was up, and a man was sitting in the driver's side.

    As I went into Waterman, I saw a sheriff running radar, so I pulled over and told him about the disabled vehicle.  I think I am a buttinsky....but it was hot, and I don't know if the guy had help on the way or not.  And I would not be able to help because I don't know any mechanics in that area.  Lord knows I don't know the first thing about cars either.

    I noticed gas prices have really jumped in the last couple of days.  It seems Tuesday it was 2.07 a gallon for regular, now it is 2.35!  I should have filled my mower cans on Tuesday.....I never learn.

    Still waiting for rain......might be a long wait.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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