Saturday, August 29, 2020

day....up at 6....168

 I was up early today...on purpose!

    I helped out at the monthly market in Rochelle.  Cypress House organizes the markets every Saturday, but the last Saturday of the month is a large one.

    My job, as a volunteer, is to greet vendors when they arrive, remind them of the rules, and tell them their assigned space.  They start arriving a little before 7.

    After that, I know nothing.

    But it was fun doing it last year, so I offered again this year.  I was bothered by the mask....every time I said hello, my glasses fogged up, which made it hard to read the clipboard.  But it all worked out.

    Next topic:   We have a lot of cucumbers.  When Bob, Diane and I went to Holland to ride bikes, we made a lunch stop one day.  I had cucumber soup....something I had never heard of and never tasted.  I liked it.

    So today I made cucumber soup.  I found a recipe on line and tried to follow it.  I have not tried the soup yet, it is in the fridge.  I will try it tomorrow.

    I notice that when I go someplace, I bring back a food memory.  Mojitos in Cuba, fried perch from Switzerland, croissants from France, lobster from Maine, salmon from Alaska, pasties from the UP ..... all become something I have to have when I get home.  Usually what I cook isn't as good, but it does bring back a memory or two.  I still have not found a recipe for apple cake that I think I could make...that was my favorite food in the Netherlands!

    I just hope the soup  is edible.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

I honestly did not think I would make a big mess making soup.....but I might have been wrong.

The old Stone's store in downtown Rochelle seems to be filling up with antiques.....anybody know anything?

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