Sunday, August 16, 2020


 I took Corki for a walk today

    I had to carry her down the driveway.  Seriously.

    Two weeks ago I went to take her for a walk and she would not go.  Instead, she jumped up on the chair with Jackie and sat there.

    She has repeated this behavior at least 4 times since then.  She used to love to walk with me.

    Jackie said maybe I have not done it as much as I used to and she just doesn't trust me.  Or, when we went recently I forgot her shock collar and she got a shock.  But we had gone 3 or 4 times after that with no problem.

    Strange dog.

    So, I picked her up and carried her out to the middle of the driveway and she was fine.

    However, she did not want to go far and she went a lot slower than normal.

    I know she is getting up there in years, so maybe the thrill of a walk has diminished.  I know we don't walk as far as we used to, she would go to the end of the block in past years, but this year she turned around about half way there.  

    Another perplexing issue.....I am cold.  I am sitting in the house wearing a sweatshirt.  When I went out before, I put on a sweatshirt.  I don't have a fever, I am just cold.

    My dad would wear long underwear 365 days a year.  I hope I am not becoming like him.

    I guess getting old isn't only for the dogs.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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