Wednesday, August 26, 2020 wide...165

 We visited the dentist today

    It was just our normal Covid delayed checkup.  We both passed with flying colors, 

    It was hot today.  Our car temp was 93 or something, but once it gets over 85 i figure it is hot.

    And it was humid.  Sticky humid.

    The sky is muted because of the smoke from the wildfires out in California and Colorado.  My heart goes out to those folks with houses, lives and livelihoods  threatened by the flames.  And I hope the people fighting the fires stay safe.

    At the start of this pandemic crap, I said we were going to go thru one box of pictures a week.  I had 10 boxes, so I figured we had plenty of time.  I am on box 2.

    These are my mother's pictures.  She had a lot, a lifetime, I guess.

    She was at my first play, Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch, which we did outdoors at the park.  There are several pictures, out of focus and to dark to see who is in the picture, but she put them in an album and labeled it "Terry's play."

    Weddings, Christmases, family parties, picnics, birthdays....she has pictures of it all.  Not good pictures, but pictures.  Ahd there are vacation pictures from California, which she must have visited several times because I had another album with California pictures.

    But one object stood out.

    My parents bought their first, and only, house when I was about 10 or 12.  The Kennedy family owned the house.  

    I guess my mother had found this paper commissioning Timothy Kennedy as a captain in the infantry and held on to it.  It is from 1898.

    It's kind of neat, but I am not sure what direction I am going with this.  I may buy a frame and let the kids deal with it someday.  Or, I may contact the Chicago History Museum to see if they have any interest.

    The family had 2 sons and a daughter.  None married.  There might have been two daughters, I am not clear, but Marion was the only one who did not have a church career.  Phillip and Jack were priests, and Timothea was a nun...but I don't remember if she was an aunt or a sister.

    I can't just toss is 120 years old!  Just seems it is begging to be saved.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love.

This guy has appeared at my door three times in the past week.  Once I sprayed him with water from the hose, but now I have a little spray bottle that I douse him with.  Why?  Toads absorb moisture through the skin.  Deep down inside I do believe he comes to my door because he knows I will not hurt him and give him water.  Call me a dreamer.....

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