Saturday, August 22, 2020


I paid my respects to an old friend today 

    Nobody died.  Today was the day to pick up items bought at the Hickory Grove auction.

    Hickory Grove was built in the early 1990s as a community denter.  It was a giant mish-mash that did not work well.  For years VCCT performed plays there, each show erecting a theater in a multi purpose room.  VCCT moved out a few years ago and the building is scheduled to be knocked down later this year.

    So items were auctioned on line.  I went to help pick up the items VCCT bought.

    I pulled up carpet tiles.  Lots of carpet tiles.  VCCT will use them in the light booth, green room, ticket booth and other places.

    The group also got a stage curtain, emergency lights, chairs, tables, a desk, bar and a lot of other items that can be repurposed in the new theater building.

    TC and I got to reminiscing about the shows we had done there...the fun times, the great shows, the positive memories being in a theater group  brings.  It was a little bittersweet, although I hated the place as a theater because it was not a good place to do a play.

    I believe my first play was 1982.  I think I have been involved in about 30 shows, either on stage or backstage.  Plus I have worked on sets for shows I have not been involved with.  The group has been running little videos of years and sometimes I see a show and read that I was in Bullshot Crummond.  Reading the info, I had several parts.  Strange, it was so long ago I almost forgot the whole thing.

    Oh well.

    I replanted peas today, hoping I can coax out a second crop.  This is the second time I have planted the  second crop, which does not look promising.

    Rain would help.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

My natives are thriving in this heat and the colors

Should we be concerned?

No, those are not bodies....stage looking naked

My cucumbers are huge!  We have made pickles, eaten lots in salads....maybe cucumber s sandwiches or cucumber soup?  I am willing to share.

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