Tuesday, August 11, 2020

day......wash wash.....151 151

I did dishes tonight

I did dishes tonight 

    I was in a hurry.     I was in a hurry,

    I had them all washed and dried.  I had them all washed and dried.

    Then I looked at the towel.

    I repurpose a lot of stuff.  Kitchen towels sometimes get worn out.  So I use them as cleaning rags.

    I cut off a corner so I know that it is a rag.

    Somehow, tonight I dried all the dishes with a cleaning rag.  One I just used in the bathroom.

    So I rewashed all the dishes.  And redried them, this time with a clean kitchen towel.  (These are dishes that can't go in the dishwasher....so don't worry about eating off a dirty plate or drinking out of a dirty glass when you visit!)

    I don't know how I did that, I am always careful about checking corners when I do dishes, just in case.  Tonight I didn't.

    Some good news.

    There was a story in the Tribune Sunday about a 14 year old boy who was shot when caught in gang crossfire in Chicago when he was 10.  He had some pretty serious injuries, but recovered.

    Each year the reporter, Mary Smich, does a story updating people on how he is doing.

    Since being shot, a real estate developer from out west got involved and found them a home in a safer neighborhood, away from gangs.  The police who investigated his shooting befriended the family and helped them out in various ways through the years.

    One of the detectives has a child going to a Catholic high school just blocks from where the family now lives.  In the article, he said they were working on a way to raise tuition money for the family so the boy could attend.

    I wrote Smich and asked her to notify me if they set up a Go Fund Me account, because I really would like to help this boy and this family.

    She wrote me back yesterday, but since we lost power for 5 hours, I did not check e mail.  There is a Go Fund Me account.  She gave me the web address

    I went to it tonight and discovered I could not make a donation because they are no longer accepting donations.  In the 48 hours the page was up, over $50,000 was donated.  Most of the donations were $100 or less.

    Total strangers helping out a family trying to break the cycle of violence and dispair.

    Even though I am disappointed I could not contribute, I am happy that people responded as quickly as they did.

    They were showing the love we have for each other.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket

Peace and Love

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