Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Blogspot has a new format

     I am very confused by it all.
     It took me forever to find out how to post to Facebook the other night.  I did it, but last night I could not remember how I did it and I had to work through it all over again!
     Sufferin succotash!
     For you folks who have fire the ones that sit in a stand burn the grass below?  I just cleaned up my burn pile.....several years in the making.  When I burned it off right before Covid, I discovered there were 3 Christmas trees in it! 
     I confess, I had also tossed in a pallet and a cedar stick in the ground type fence that was broken.
     So I had a mess.
     It was also not on my property, and I started to feel a little guilty about that this year. I don't know why.
     I thought maybe a fire pit that does not sit in the ground might be nice, but then, I did not have a fire for 3 years, so maybe it is not such a hot idea.   (Yes, the pun was intentional.)
     I always have this fantasy that on a cool fall night I would be out there with a few friends, making s'mores and small talk, watching the shooting stars, listening to the coyotes and owls......but I have not done that for a long time.
     Maybe this year....if I can figure a way to do it without ruining my yard.
     I think last night would have been a perfect night to do that.
     Oh well.
     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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