Saturday, August 15, 2020

day.....what's that smell?.....155

 I have learned several things in life I don't need

    Pasties, for one.

    I learned about them on one of our first trips to Mackinaw Island.  We would see signs that said "Pasties for sale."  It confused me.  I was thinking pasteis, like the exotic dancers wear to cover certain parts of their upper anatomy.  But these were pasties, a pot pie type food Cornish miners used to carry into the mines back in merry old England.  

    Usually they have beef, turkey, or vegetarian forms.  Included in the pie is the meat and rutabagas.  

    I think they are tasty, Jackie thinks they are too dry.  To each their own, huh?

    And they seem to be a common food item in the UP.

    Friend Todd is up in Escanaba and jokingly said he would bring me one....but I know they do not taste well unless hot out of the oven fresh.

    Years ago I was in a play called Escanaba in the Moonlight.  A great bunch of people...Chris, TC, Bethie, David.... were in the show.  It was a good show.  So was Escanaba in Love.  And to be truthful, I may have mixed up cast members between the two shows.  Carrie directed and almost everyone will have a better memory than me.

    It might have been during rehearsals for one show I saw frozen pasties in a Rockford supermarket.  I bought some and cooked them, bringing them to rehearsal to get everybody in the mood for life in the UP.

    What I did no foresee was the incredible odors brought on by these epicurean delights!  I think at one time my eyes were watering and it was not from laughing.  I don't know who admitted to having their intestines adversely affected by them, but I do know I never did.

    I tried to call a neighbor tonight, whose name is the same as a friend in town. Of course, I called the friend in town, which was actually good because we have not talked for a long time and I miss the company of those I called.  Someday.

    I guess when I put names in my phone, I should use last names or at least initials.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love 

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