Monday, August 10, 2020


 I experienced a derecho today

    High winds, intense rains, fast moving storm.

    Luckily, it did not do any damage near our house, but a quick drive around the area showed lots of downed limbs and broken trees.

    A friend had some pine trees behind his house.  Older ones, pretty tall.  He mentioned they were thinking of taking them out.  Well, Mother Nature had a start at that today!  He had quite a mess.

    We lost power.  Now, living in the country, no power means no water.  In the winter, when a storm is coming, I fill jugs and the tub with water.  I did not think to do that today.  We went 5 hours without power.  I can't imagine what it was like in the pre electric age!  It is an inconvenience, but compared to what happened to Emily and John in 2014, it was nothing.

    The weather people always say seek shelter in the lower level of your home.  With Jackie, that is not possible.  So I put her in our little guest bathroom, an interior room with no windows.  It is not perfect, but better than sitting in the living room.  Of course, Corki saw her in the transport chair and immediately assumed we were all going for a ride.

    Since we had no power, I went out for supper.  My first choice was Taco Bell, but the line was out into the street!  So I went to Arby's, where the line was long, but not as long as Taco Bell.  I had the beer battered fish sandwich and it was good.  I could not see the staff to see if they were masked though, and that is always a concern.

    Too much excitement for the day.  I am glad it is over.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

    And a couple of pictures.

I found these guys while driving around after the storm.

Weird color, eh?

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