Sunday, August 30, 2020


My cucumber soup is not bad 

    It is a little too watery though.  I should have followed the advice of a couple of people who said to add less vegetable broth than called for.  But I forgot their advice.

    I do notice a tendency to burp more.  These were burpless cucumbers, so maybe it is the sour crean or yogurt giving me a little case of the burps.

    I also notice this is not something I want to eat a lot of.  I had two small bowls, and that was enough.

    Tomorrow I will buy some containers and freeze some, although I am a little uncertain how it will taste when I thaw it in 4 years because I forgot I put it in  the freezer.

    Rode my bike for the first time in weeks today.  Just around the block, but it felt good.  I went around 3 times, which was 7 miles.  Tomorrow I will do four times.  This way I am always within minutes if Jackie needs me.

    Other than that, a pretty boring day.  I did replant peas for the fourth time.  Jackie asked if that was wise considering they have not grown the first three times.  My answer was I already have the seeds, if I don't plant them I toss them out.  At least we may get some peas out of this.....I hope.

    I do notice the shadows getting longer and the days getting shorter.  Tom Skilling says Sept. 1 is the start of meterological fall, even though the equinox isn't until later in the month.  It seems like summer never existed.

    Damn Covid.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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