Wednesday, August 12, 2020


 I am beginning to hate change

    I don't mean the dimes and pennies in a pocket.   Although it could include that.  I gave a clerk $2.13 in cash tonight and it turned out one of the pennies was actually a dime!  A very dirty dime.  Very dirty.  As in filthy, not sexy dirty.

    But I digress.

    Blogspot changed how the site works.  I don't know how to eliminate double spacing, that just appeared.  It took me a while to find out how to post to Facebook too.  I think I have that solved.

    But now Facebook has changed.  My whole FB world is upside down.;  I can't find how to set the newsfeed, the display is different, my whole psyche is katy whumpus.

    And this is from a centibillionaire.  I had never heard that term until recently.  There are now 3 centibillioniaires....Zuckerberg, Bezos and Gates.

    A centibillionaire is someone who is worth 100 billion dollars.  I think that is $100,000,000,000....but I only taught place value to millions so I am not sure.

    Imagine what you could do with that much money.  You could reshape cities and neighborhoods, even states and countries.....just by spending money on programs that benefit poorer areas of our world.

    Gates dos a lot of that, and I bet the others do to.  Just think what they could do if they took 10 percent of their money and adopted a city or state and initiated programs to improve the life of its citizens.

    Oh well.....that could have been any of us, I guess.  No use crying over milk you can't spill.

    Celebrated John's birthday today with a dinner in and little itty bitty bundt cakes Emily bought.  It was a great night of visiting and talking.  I miss that. 

     Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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