Monday, August 17, 2020


 I had an interesting experience last night

    I have not been wearing my hearing aids as much as I used to.  If I go to the store, I put on a mask and the hearing aids get caught in the mask when I take it off.  I am afraid I will lose one of the aids.

    So I have not been wearing them a lot.

    Last night we watched a show on BritBox.  Because of the accent, I sometimes miss words.  So I put my hearing aids on.  It helped a little, but the accents are really strong on this show.

    I went out about 10 and stood in the driveway.

    l was shocked by how loud it was!  Previous nights I went out and it was so quiet.  Last night I could hear hundreds of insects and other night time creatures chirping, chipping, squeaking....all sorts of noises. 

    I took out my hearing aids....nothing.  Silence.

    Now I wonder if my hearing has gotten worse since I got the hearing aids!  

    I did wear them all day today, and I plan on doing that more often to get back into the habit.

    Hearing aids...glasses.....high cholesterol meds...blood pressure meds...sure is fun to grow old.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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