Friday, August 21, 2020

day....not again...160

 I think we need to move to DeKalb

    We were there Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and again today.

    And I have the ideal house in mind

    I wanted to have my hearing aids checked and cleaned.  I should have dropped them off Wednesday after Jackie's surgery, but I figured she wanted to get home, not sit in the car while I ran errands.

    Thursday I had a lab appointment so I dropped them off at about 1:30.  I knew what would home at 3:30 and they called, all cleaned and ready to go.

    So, Jackie, Corki and I made a drive to Sycamore to pick them up today.  Now, this was the first time in months Jackie has wanted to leave the it actually was a big deal.

    We stopped for super sweet corn, only to learn the storm last week flattened a lot of the corn and all that was left was bi I bought some that we will freeze, but no fresh corn is a sure sign summer is almost over.

    About the house.  It is small, only about 6,000 sq. ft. with 6 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms.  It sits on 14 acres and has an in-ground pool and a lot of other plusses.

    Jackie said we don't have the nearly one million buckaroos to buy the house.  I floated a plan to her and Julia about buying it.

    You could find 3 other people/couples, which puts the cost down to a little over $200,000 per couple.  Each owner would have their own bedroom and bath and access to the common areas.  Hire a cleaning service and a lawn care service and you could be living in style.

    Remember the expression "goes over like a lead balloon?"  Or as "silent as a fart in church?"  That was the reaction.

    I pictured it as kind of a commune....close friends living together, bonding, getting on each other's nerves...... fun times ahead?

    So, we are not buying the house.

    But if you are interested, and have some close friends, I think it would be a hoot.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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