Tuesday, August 4, 2020


I am on day 13 of a 30 day challenge

     The problem is, it started July 1.  I should have been done days ago.
     Yet, I am not.
    This is an on line learn to speak French challenge.
     It seemed well organized, the person presenting was informative, the lessons clearly presented.
     I don't know what happened.
     The positive is that I have all the days in my in box and they won't disappear unless I delete them.
     I realize I don't use my time wisely.
     I play too much solitaire on line, I spend too much time looking for things, and I seem to waste time doing I don't know what.
    Those are my choices, to be sure.  But I sure wish I had more time.
    Today the house was cleaned and not by me.  That freed up a couple of hours that I used to weed in the garden and ride my bike.  I managed to go around the block 4 times, and finished with about a 9.5 mile ride. 
     If I were like my friend Mike, I would have to do that for almost 300 days to match his total for this year.
     What are the odds of that?
     Oh well......I'm happy for what I can do.
     Stay healthy, stay safe, mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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