Monday, August 3, 2020

day......easy peasy...143

I had a normal supper tonight

     No dog food.  No mistaking my salad for Corki's food and ultimate fish oil destination.
     I made a pork roast.
     It was a small one, less than 2 pounds.  I looked on line and the only web page I visited said 25 minutes per pound at 350 degrees.  Cooked temp of 145 degres. I figured 50 minutes.  At 45 minutes I started the rest of the gratin potato (from a box) and carrots.
     I stuck the meat thermometer into the roast at 45 minutes and it read.......68 degrees.  A far way from 145.  So I set the timer for 45 minutes, and finally it was at the 145 mark.
     I must not check the right web sites for cooking directions.  I should have learned after cooking chicken at 150 degrees for 20 minutes.  That did not work well.
     But that was less frustrating than Jackie's day.
     She spent 2 hours on the phone setting up 2  medical appointments.  
     She needs a scan, and was told she could do it at the Rochelle facility.
     She called and they said to make sure insurance covered it.  Insurance had no knowledge of the Rochelle facility, even though I had a scan there in January.  Called the scheduler who transferred her to another scheduler who transferred her to another scheduler who said she had to call the first number she called.  It was weird.
     And frustrating.
     What made me laugh was the recorded message that said, "We know your time is valuable so we strive to answer your questions quickly."  Two hours.
     But all is well that ends well...our calendar is filling up quickly with medical dates.
     I also need to pay attention to weather forecasts.  I put on shorts and a t-shirt today and was pretty darn cold by the time I got home.
     I donned long pants, a sweatshirt, then went onto the porch and "rested" in my new chair.
     I closed my eyes and dreamt I was a lot of different places:   a boat in Alaska, Julia's balcony,  the porch at the cottages at Dewey Lake, at Charley's sipping wine.       It was very relaxing.
     Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.
Peace and Love

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