Friday, August 14, 2020


Sometimes a blah day is good 

    Nothing major happened to day.   Well, nothing bad major.

    I went shopping, got a coffee, stopped to visit my friend Bethie on my way home, unloaded groceries, went to Oregon to pick up supper.....

    I go up Skare Road to Il 64, then go 64 to Oregon.  It is a direct route, only one turn, and pretty hard to mess up.

    Coming home I go 64 to Skare, then Skare to my house.

    Coming home tonight, I reached Kings and realized....I overshot my turn by about 3 miles!  What the hell!!

    I have driven that route for 50 years...never missed the turn.  In addition to the intersection sign, there is a run down house on one corner that really stands out.  But I drove by all that.

    I guess my mind was in neutral.

    At least nothing major disrupted the day. And that is always good.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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