Monday, August 24, 2020!!!....163

 I stayed cool today

    Well, actually I went to the store for a few things.  One of the things was surgical tape.  I went to the big store and got some frozen items, some cold items, then went to get surgical tape.  The shelf was empty.

    The friendly pharmacist said I would have to go to Walgreen's.  I checked out, packed all my bags in the car, and started it up.  

    The thermometer read 94.  I thought that had to be wrong.  I drove past a bank.  93.  It was not even noon.

    My major concern was leaving frozen items in a car on a 94 degree day while I searched the aisles for surgical tape.

    Surprisingly, it only took a couple of minutes and I was back in the car with the air cranked on high.  Nothing melted.

    Friday I lost my sunglasses.  They are in a black case.  I  always leave them in the car.  I looked, and they were not there.   Not in my car, not in the other car.  I looked everywhere inside the house.  Went back to the cars and looked under the seats, in the glove box, (Why do we still call it that?  Does anyone actually put gloves in it?  It should be called the drawer you put all the crap in while you are driving.)  but I found nothing.  The case had disappeared.

    I did find some old ones, beat up, scratched, huge smears that don't come off, so I wore those when I went for a bike ride.

    When I came back, Jackie asked if I was sure they were not in the car.  I replied that I had looked 3 times and NO THEY WERE NOT IN THE CAR!

    But just to satisfy her, I went out and looked.  

    They were in the car.  Right where I always put them.

    I swear, if I thought she could walk that far I would accuse her of tormenting me.      But she can't, and I shan't.

    Nice rhyme, huh?

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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