Tuesday, August 18, 2020

day.....get real......157

 I am an overly critical person

    I realize that.   It often surfaces when watching tv.

    I don't understand why an incident or event in week 7 of a tv series is not carried over to week 8.  For example, in week 7 a star breaks his arm.  In week 8 he is fine and no mention of the injury.

    Also, nobody ever turns out the lights when they leave a home on tv.  Lots of times they don't lock the door either.  Come to think of it, they often don't unlock a door when coming home.

    Friends has been bothering me lately because they always show the apartment building and pan up to the fifth or sixth floor.  I know Monica has people living above her, so it can't be the top floor.  They also have a little balcony that you get to by going thru a window.  But the apartment building they show has no balconies.  Also, from their window they can almost touch the building next door....but nothing like that is possible from the outdoor scenes they show.

    I know, give it up.  It's TV.

    My latest gripe is a commercial for a Rockford area group called Remedies.  Now, they do good work in helping people with various addictions.  But the commercial shows a man playing Monopoly with his kids, having successfully recovered from a gambling addiction.  The man rolls the dice and moves his piece to the right on the Monopoly board.

    Call me crazy, but I think no matter where you sit when playing Monopoly, you move to the left.  

    My wife rolls her eyes and says ignore it, but it just drives me bonkers!

    And it is moments like this I realize I have too much time on my hands.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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