Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 This was quite the day

    Jackie had some surgery today.  Nothing major, a quality of life issue for her that was fixable.

    We had to be at the hospital at 7:15....and Dickows don't do early.  I was up a little after 5:30 and quickly got shaved and dressed then helped her get ready so we could leave by 6:30.  The hardest part was getting Corki out, she is not an early morning animal either.

    We were done by 10 or so and the nurse was going over final instructions.

    I joked that if I wasn't back in 15 minutes to get her, call Emily.  No one laughed.

    The "rooms" are really cubicles with privacy  screens.  As we were getting ready to go I heard a voice from behind one of the screens saying, "Is that Dickow?"

    Turns out it was a friend from town who had a little surgery also.  They thought the voice was familiar, but the Terry and Jackie the  nurse said was the tip off.  They are doing well also, but I should call tomorrow just to check.

    Aside from that, pretty calm day.  Emily came over to visit and ended up changing a dressing, and Emily and John came back about 8 to help get Jackie into bed.  When Jackie gets physically tired, she just can't stand or move on her own.  I am not strong enough to lift her, so help is frequently needed.

    That's all the news I have......please keep her in your thoughts for a quick healing.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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