Friday, August 7, 2020

day...I see.....147

 It was my turn for a doctor visit today

    I had a check up with a retina specialist, because I have a slight problem with my eyes.  He checks me every 6 months or so, and once again he pronounced my vision as stable.  I was doubly happy, because when I made the appointment I said I had not been there since last November.  It turned out I had not been there since 2018.  Time flies.


    I had a stress test a couple of weeks ago and the cardio guy said my heart was stable.

     I guess that is good.  I hope all my medical tests come up as stable.  I would be very happy to hear that.

    Funny thing....with the new  blog format, every time I hit return it double spaces.  That is a little weird.  So when you read this, if there are double spaces between paragraphs it is not me doing it.

    Anyway, John drove me over today and waited for me because as part of the exam I get my eyes dilated.  It was several hours before they returned to normal and I did not squint when looking at light.

    Patio guys came today and hopefully corrected the dip in the patio.  I said dip in the patio, because someone (Doug?) might comment about the dip on the patio.  I am looking at the area that they redid and something does not seem right, but I can't find it.  I think it's an OCD thing, like checking all the doors at least twice every night before I go to bed. Then sometimes I am in bed and I think I may have unlocked a door instead of locking it, so I check it again.  It makes for very long nights.

    Speaking of long nights....I had a dream that I was travelling with Chris Farley and we squatted in a vacant motel room, only to discover it was actually the home of a psycho who hated people.  Chris was really funny.  That followed the dream of living in  a former motel that had been converted to private housing.  Jackie and I had a long unit on the ground floor.  Long.

    It must be the food.

    And Jackie and I were treated to an abbreviated version of Suessical the Musical tonight by our talented little friend Sam.  It was a great one person show and we enjoyed the entertainment.

    Stay Safe.  Stay Healthy.  Mask it or Casket.

Peace and Love

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