Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 I think crime does pay, sometimes

    I read a story today about an accountant who swindled clients out of something close to $90 million.  He used it to buy property all over the world, boats, cars, and businesses.  He convinced people to invest with him, then he siphoned off the money and created fake spread sheets to show people they were earning money.

    Of course he got caught.  They all get caught.  Rita got caught in Dixon, and hers was only a $50 million scam.

    What got me is the accountant told a judge he was really sorry and was working full time to pay his victims back.  Really?  That must be one hell of a job!

    I could never do something like that.  First off, I don't have the brains to pull it off but most importantly, I have ethics and standards that I won't abandon just for a few million.  Well, completely abandon anyway.

    I did get a short bike ride in today.  There was a mist, sometimes a drizzle, and it actually reminded me of my trip to Holland in 2018.  We rode in the rain several days on that trip.  

    The only similarity was it was wet.  No lake to look at or coffee shops to vist for some apple cake. 

    So, even though it was raining, I enjoyed the ride because it brought back pleasant memories.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Mask it or casket.

Peace and Love

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