Monday, April 1, 2024

gosh darn it

 I am back to list making

    After not having any for a few weeks, I opted to make one for today.  Of the 7 things on my list, I did 5 and a half.  

    Not bad.

    I am making a new list for tomorrow.  Actually, 2 lists.  I have a grocery list and a to do list.

    The grocery list is a little late.

    Julia made chili today.  I told her I would make corn bread to go with the chili.

    At 5 I took the corn meal out and read the recipe and discovered I had 1/4 cup of corn meal, and I needed 3/4.

    I had 1/3 of what I needed.

    My head almost exploded when I tried to compute 1/3 of 5 and 1/4 cups milk, and 1/3 of an egg, and 1/3 of a teaspoon.  

    Now understand, I have not taught fractions for over 14 years and even then it was a pretty basic few lessons.  And I was a little rusty on dividing 5/4 by 1/3, so when Julia said just use 1/2 a cup of milk I agreed.  I used a whole egg though, hard to get 1/3 of that.

    I ended up with 3 mini corn bread buns.  And they tasted ok.  I was surprised.

    I did drop an egg on the floor, which seems to fit in with my recent trend of dropping things.   Luckily Beth was not around to gobble it up.

    All is well that ends well.  Supper was good, the Cubs won again, and I got most of my list checked off.

    Hopefully tomorrow will have the same results.

    The big thing was I did not take a nap!  That's 4 days in a row I have not napped, and I miss it.

    Maybe I'll put that on the list.

    I hope nobody made a fool of you.  I just don't do the pranks I used to do.  

Peace and Love.....and that's no prank

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