Saturday, April 6, 2024

tis the season

 I actually planned on mowing today

    I know!  It's only April 6!!

    But my grass is getting long in spots and I don't want it to get away from me.

    The only thing that stopped me was:  I had no gas.  For the mower.  Plenty of gas  otherwise, (I did not put a space between of and gas and autocorrect changed it to organs.  Go figure!)

    Now, I could have driven into town, got gas, and mowed in the 50 degree weather.  I am 8 miles from a gas station.  The van gets about 20 mpg.  It would take me almost 1 gallon of gas to go buy mower gas.  That made no sense to me.  I will wait until I have to go to town and then I will get gas.  

    So instead, I watched most of the Cubs game.

    I had called my friend John yesterday and told him that if we had our Friday series tickets, like we did before pandemic, John, Dan, Linda and I would all be sporting our Pat Hughes  sweaters at the park.  But in reality, Pat Hughes sweater day was today, so we would not have gotten matching sweaters. Plus we would have been darn cold, even though we would have seen a Cubs win.  Oh well.

    We played euchre with friends tonight.  It has been a while since we have done that.  I learned to play the summer I worked at Funks in Ashton, unloading unsold bags of seed corn.  We could play one game during our 15 minute break, but it took us almost 2 hours to play 2 games for us tonight.  We spend a lot of time talking and trying to remember what trump is and who deals.

    I also sort of watched NCAA basketball.  I am looking forward to watching the championships tomorrow and Monday.  I think.

    Anyway, I plan to mow Monday.  The eclipse will happen in the afternoon.  Part of me really wants to hop in the car and drive 4 hours to the eclipse zone and park someplace and watch it.  But the other part of me says no.

    Julia bought us eclipse viewing sunglasses.  They came in the mail today.  Tell me how this makes no sense.

    The glasses were packed in a small box, which was packed in a larger box.  Just seems to us they could have found a more efficient way to ship this.

    And for some folks out there, the eclipse is not God telling us we are sinful and evil.  We already know that.  

    That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Peace and Love

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